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Our Work

Sainsbury’s – AG


Following on from its great success at the London 2012 Games, Horseguards Parade, London has recently seen another great achievement as the icon location hosted the Sainsbury’s Anniversary Games.

The Structure Group were more than pleased to part of this great event and went in with their tried and tested solution to deliver a 150m running track, long jump, pole vault and shot put facilities.

Pole vault world record holder Renaud Lavillenie, Olympic and world 100m gold medallist Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce, world 110m hurdles champion David Oliver and Olympic 100m hurdles champion Sally Pearson all set foot in Horseguards for the event among the many other international stars to line-up on the track and field.


Project Implementation and Structural Expertise

This is exactly the type of event and use TSG is proud that its product can deliver. With careful planning and experience in this area we are able to provide a cost effective, temporary solution that engages not just a group of interested people but a city.

TSG has a sustainable system in place that can only deliver great events but inspire future generations.

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